Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Build A Base Of Loyal Customers With Content Marketing

There is a lot that Internet marketers can learn from more traditional operations. Have you ever wondered why charities would waste money on sending people personalized address labels? If so, you have missed out on one of the most powerful persuasive techniques that is out there. One of the basic truths of human interaction is that people feel like they have a relationship with someone who has done something for them or given them a gift. This is the key to generating the kind of attention that will really drive the growth of your business.

Obviously, marketing on the Internet can not consist of giving people gifts like calendars or address labels. The underlying principle can be effective, however. When it comes to doing this online, you need to offer people what you have available to give, and that is going to be your content. The process of offering great content that has real value and is something that people

customer loyalty

will truly enjoy seeing is known as content marketing, and it is the best way to drive sustainable growth on sites in virtually every niche.

The first reason that this is such an effective approach is that it makes people feel that they have gotten something from you already. A site for a landscaping company that happens to offer articles on the types of shrubs that live best in the area, for example, will leave a home owner feeling that he is looking at a company that genuinely cares about making sure that the community gets what it wants and needs in this area. When he is looking for someone to do his own landscaping, that feeling of relationship will cause him to want to go back to you, even if he originally read the article with no intention of hiring anyone.

It can also be a great way to display your expertise up front. Most customers dislike the idea of having to look through a list of companies and to then have to pick out someone they know nothing about and hope that it will be a person who can do the job right. This is what has caused reviews to become such a major marketing tool as well. While generating large numbers of reviews is tough, though, you can fairly easily invest in creating great articles that show how much you know about the services that you are offering. It is also a good way to show how serious you are about doing things right.

Finally, it is a great way to convince people to make links to your site in a very natural and organic fashion. When you have real content that offers actual value, people are going to want to share it with their friends and family whenever it is relevant. This means that you get more backlinks out on the Internet without even having to specifically try for them or ask anyone to put them up as a favor. If you put something out there worth sharing, people will tend to do so.

The fundamental reason that most people do not take advantage of this strategy as much as they should is the fact that it requires you to look at the long term success of your site. People tend to fall into the trap of grabbing for easy results and hoping that they will score big. Google has shown, however, that they are not interested in rewarding those who generate massive amounts of automated and unnatural links. The sort of real attention and linking that you can acquire through marketing with your content is the kind that will both leave a positive impression with your customers and give you a lasting leg up when it comes to gaining attention on Google.

Read Full Article Here: Build A Base Of Loyal Customers With Content Marketing

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Englewood CO 80112
(303) 900-4688

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